Ministerul Educației și Cercetării

Guvernul Republicii Moldova


Ministerul Educaţiei anunţă concurs de angajare pentru următoarea poziție:

Consultant local pe problema finanțării adiționale în cadrul Proiectului ”Educație de calitate în mediul rural”.


Selection of one local individual consultant

September 28, 2012
Republic of Moldova
Additional Financing for Quality Education in the Rural Areas of Moldova Project 
Credit No. 5080-MD
Assignment Title: Developing Quality Assurance Standards for Hub Schools in Moldova
Reference No.: IC-1b

The main objective of this assignment is to assist the Ministry of Education of Moldova in developing and cost-estimating quality assurance standards for receiving schools, taking into account the already done or ongoing work in the field by other education stakeholders.

The specific objectives of this assignment are:
- Preparing a quality assurance conceptual framework for receiving schools.
- Developing the standards for receiving schools, including a cost-estimation, taking into account the quality standards already developed under other initiatives.
- Preparing an implementation plan for receiving schools standards.

The Ministry of Education now invites individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The Consultants will have to meet these minimum requirements:
- Advanced degree in Education, Education management or a related field;
- Minimum 3 years of professional experience at national or/and international levels;
- Strong background in issues related to quality assurance in education, including the development of standards and indicators and implementation mechanisms and procedures;
- Analytical and report writing skills;
- Knowledge of English

The assignment period is expected to run from October, 2012 until May, 2013. The total Consultant’s input shall be 4 man/months.
The applications should include letter of Expression of Interest, CV, and related recommendation letters and references, if any. Applications should be submitted in English or Romanian marked “School by School budgeting consultant” (in person or by mail) by October 15, 2012, cob to the address below:

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova
Piata Marii Adunari Nationale 1, 4th floor, room no. 425, 
Mun. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Attn: Cornel Bordeianu, Procurement specialist
Tel/fax: 0 22 232-502
E-mail: or